The Green Infrastructure Lab at Continental Colony


Flash! Boom! Whoosh! A storm rolls over Continental Colony. Rain falls to the grass. Follow the water across the school grounds and discover how green infrastructure collects, treats, and stores stormwater runoff. Dig deeper using this online curriculum to learn how soil, plants, animals, and people influence the course of stormwater and combine to make a watershed. There is much to explore, Storm Trackers, so let’s get started!

Green Infrastructure Design:

Continental Colony’s green infrastructure uses multiple methods to slow, treat, and clean stormwater runoff. These methods are described on the five kiosks located across the site, each telling a different story about our region and how water impacts us—and how we impact it. Scan the QR code to observe, analyze, and experiment on our environment. Discovery awaits just outside the classroom!

Learning Modules

How to use the modules:

Each of the five learning modules explores a single concept associated with the green infrastructure design. They are comprised of an overview, a main concept, definitions, and key questions designed to give students a foundational understanding of the concept. Once the student if familiar with the concept, he or she will be ready to launch the activities!

Each of the modules contains two activities. These range from hands-on experiments that can be conducted at home or in the classroom, to observational activities that can be conducted in the field. All activities are suitable for individuals or small groups. Links to additional online resources are provided at the end of each activity.

Additional Watershed Management Green Infrastructure Resources

City of Atlanta DWM Green Infrastructure for Kids video: Green Infrastructure for Kids - YouTube

City of Atlanta DWM Green Infrastructure Story Map: City of Atlanta Green Infrastructure Program (

Made possible by:

This website was made possible by a collaboration between Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners, Spelman College, Atlanta Public Schools, and the City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management. It was paid for by the Department of Watershed Management under the Atlanta Green Infrastructure Design Challenge. Educational content was developed by Spelman College student Kirin Turner, under the supervision of Dr. Nirajan Dhakal. Special thanks to the faculty, administration, and students of Continental Colony Elementary, who welcomed the idea with open minds and an eagerness to learn. This website was designed by Shapes At Work, LLC and built by Section Sign LLC.

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